North Park Planning Committee

The North Park Planning Committee (NPPC) represents the residents of North Park by providing a forum to discuss, explore, question and monitor land use and development issues.

We provide advisory recommendations to the city regarding projects in the community and are recognized by the city as an important part of the approval process for new development and services. The more participants, the more influence we have on the future of North Park.

The NPPC offers many ways for you to get involved:

–Attend the monthly general meetings and subcommittee meetings

–Learn how city government operates and how its decisions affect North Park

–Hear city representatives, prospective developers, and community members present their vision of the future of North Park

–Ask questions and voice your own opinion about matters before the NPPC

If you also want to receive communications regarding issues affecting our community, register for the newsletter!

North Park Planning Area

What is a Community Planning Group? 

City of San Diego: Community planning groups (CPG) provide citizens with an opportunity to advise the City Council, the Planning Commission, and other decision-makers on development projects, general or community plan amendments, rezoning, and public facilities. The recommendations of the planning groups are integral components of the planning process and are highly regarded by the City Council and City staff. Attending a meeting is a great way to get involved within your community and ensure your voice is heard!